SOM Baseball Utilities Download 2024a

Please choose either 2024aDB or 2024a. What's the difference?



You can request a download for each version. Both can run on your computer. You can choose a Windows install setup or a zip file. Both links will be provided.

Please provide the following information and click Send. You will receive an email with download instructions. Thank you.

Why email requirement?

1. Send download instructions to the correct email address.
2. Keep you informed of any updates to the Utilities.

Please be patient as it may take 10-15 minutes (sometimes longer depending on your internet provider or this web site's email system) for your email to arrive. And some IP's, like Comcast, have been known to not allow emails with links.

If you don't get the email within 30 minutes, Email me and I'll send you the information.

contact data
All fields are required.

Feel free to review the Help Guide and Change Log.

The 2024a download is not digitally signed. I don't get enough donations to pay for it. My prior work / versions should make people comfortable that I'm not doing anything suspicious.

The 2018a download has Microsoft Authenticode® (Digitally Signed).
An authentic application that has not been altered since its release.

Email me if you want older versions or require help with any other matter.